Rare Siamese Fighting Fish
Most commonly they appear as turquoise. The rarest type of betta is the fantail variety. Due to a genetic mutation, its caudal fins are separated at the base and . Without a doubt, the rarest of betta fish is the albino. As with albinos in other animal species, the albino betta fish has no pigmentation at . Most Rare Betta Fish Vang Bettas from iqss.eu It's rare to the point that like pure black bettas, many collectors don't believe they . Aquashella was an awesome trip/event and you should def try and go if you can swing it. This fish has two caudal fins that are side by side but fused at a . Often the green is masked under a darker coloration, and if you . Without a doubt, the rarest of betta fish is the albino. The rarest betta color in the world is the albino betta. As with albinos in other animal species, the albino betta fis...